Switch Network

This component will provide you with the Network selection dropdown with pre-filled values of chains provided in the supportedChains props of the KitProvider.

If the user is on a network that is not included in the supportedChains array, then it will show Wrong Network and will prompt the user to switch to any of the supported chains.

This dropdown will also display the current network status by displaying a green dot next to the current network, and if network switching is in progress or the user has yet to confirm from the wallet, it will display a yellow indicator next to the chain on which the user wishes to switch.


"use client";
import { SwitchNetworks } from "@nazeeh2000/comp-kit";

export default function Home() {
  return (
      <SwitchNetworks />

You can pass variant prop to both of these components whose value will be light or dark depending on the theme of your dapp.

Last updated