Public Client
A Public Client is an interface provided by viem to "public" JSON-RPC API methods such as retrieving block numbers, transactions, reading from smart contracts, etc through Public Actions.
You can read more about Public Client here.
In comp-kit
, you are provided with publicClient
for each chain you pass into supportedChains
props to KitProvider
. The reason why publicClient
is different for each chain unlike walletClient
is mentioned here.
In order to use publicClient
, import usePublicClient
from "@nazeeh2000/comp-kit"
. The return value of this hook will be a Record
containing the publicClient
corresponding to the network name.
You can use publicClient
in your component as per the below example.
You can apply all the methods to the mainnetPublicClient
that are applicable to the publicClient
of viem
mentioned here.
Note: You need to add
use client
at the top of the component accessing these hooks as these hooks cant be run on the server side because they've React Context in the background.
Last updated