Wallet Client

A Wallet Client is an interface provided by viem to interact with Ethereum Account(s) and provides the ability to retrieve accounts, execute transactions, sign messages, etc through Wallet Actions.

You can read more about Wallet Client here.

In the comp-kit library, you're provided with the useWalletClient hook that you can use in any file of your dapp.


In order to use walletClient, import useWalletClient from "@nazeeh2000/comp-kit". The return value of this hook will be walletClient that you can use in any part of your dapp.

You can use walletClient in your component as per the below example.

'use client'
import { useWalletClient } from "@nazeeh2000/comp-kit";

export default function Home() {
    const walletClient = useWalletClient();

    return (
    // Your component

You can apply all the methods to the walletClient that are applicable to the walletClient of viem mentioned here.

Note: You need to add use client at the top of the component accessing these hooks as these hooks cant be run on server side because they've React Context in the background.

Last updated